Monday, September 30, 2019

It’s Better to Have Loved Then Lost Than Never Love at All Essay

Alfred, Lord Tennyson once said â€Å"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all†, and I agree. I think being in love is a part of the journey of life and a very good experience to have, one would regret for not having go through that. Being in love also makes you a better person, happier and more passion about life and it’s one of the best feelings anyone can have. Although losing costs a lot of pain, one can also learn from that and get something out of it at the end of relationships and learn upon that. One only gets one chance at life so it should be a life where one can experience every part of the journey. Love is a huge part of that experience. If one never loved then they will be missing one of the biggest journeys of life and would later in their life regret it. Also, if one never experience love one wouldn’t know what that is, so they can’t decide for themselves if it was worth it for them or not. The main character in â€Å"the long walk to forever†, Newt, is an example of someone who tries very hard to experience this journey. When he first showed up, he wasn’t sure that it would turned out how he wanted, but despite that fact he still told Catharine his feelings towards her. He went and talked to her because he doesn’t want to regret for not taking any action of what could be one of the best things in his life. In the end, he discovered that she loved him too, a risk worth taking. Being in love changes the way one see things in the world. It makes everything seem nicer, happier and better. Being in love will also makes you want to be a better person, for the happiness they receive they would also try to express it to others as well. One would also do things harder, be more passionate and more energized in everything they do. In the movie Benjamin button, after Daisy broke her leg and wouldn’t be able to dance, she was crushed. However, when later she and Benjamin fell in love with each other, her ways of seeing life changed dramatically. They were always happy when they were together, and love changed her life and helped Daisy to quickly recover mentally from her accident. Losing someone causes a lot of pain, but there are things that can be learned from it. At the end of each relationship one can learn from their mistakes and change to the better. True love is something that can stand the test of time and even if it was lost there will still happy memories left in your heart. The story â€Å"The Skating Party† shows this perfectly. Although the uncle, Nathan Singleton was engaged with Eunice Lathem, he actually loved her sister Delia Sykes. So when he had to make the choice to save only one of them he chose the one he really loved, Delia Sykes. In the end after Delia moved away with her husband he wasn’t all that sad. From this experience, he learned who he really loved and figured out that he couldn’t change the fact, so he never got married. He remained alone but felt he had done what his heart commanded. It’s better to love then lose than never love at all. Life is a journey, and love is a big part of it. Being in love change the ways one sees things to be even better and it is one of the best feelings anyone can experience. Even at the end of a relationship there are things that can be learned that would help one to improve. So they can learn from that, improve themselves and be even happier with life. One only gets one chance of life so it should be a life where one experienced every part of the journey, or it will be something they will look back upon and regret for not doing so.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fanny Robin Essay

With closer reference to chapters 7, 11 and 16 (appendix), explore Hardy’s presentation of Fanny Robin In chapter seven of the book ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’ by Thomas Hardy, we are introduced to the character Fanny Robin. She is introduced during the night in the bleak darkness of a churchyard which symbolises death and possibly foreshadows unfortunate future events for Fanny. We are told that Fanny has ‘a bundle of some sort’ at her feet; from this, we can notice that Fanny is possibly running away from something. There is evidence that she is poor because she is described as ‘rather thinly clad’, and it is unusual for someone to be wearing very few clothes at such a cold time of year. Oak spares Fanny some money, and in the exchange of the shilling, Oak felt her pulse, it is described as ‘beating with a tragic intensity’ which means that he can notice that she is unhealthy, but the word ‘tragic’ stands out because it suggests a tragedy, where someone usually dies. This also makes us think of a stereotypical image of a heroin in Victorian times; because she is ill, she seems angelic, like she belongs in heaven. Hardy also shows a contrast between Bathsheba and Fanny. Fanny was very grateful and thankful for Oaks generosity and says thank you whereas Bathsheba, in chapter one, doesn’t take much notice of Oaks kindness. Hardy also shows this contrast by use of Pathetic Fallacy; when Bathsheba is introduced, it is made clear to us that she wants to stand out, ‘the sun lighted up to a scarlet glow the crimson jacket she wore†¦. ’ which shows that she is very passionate and unconventional. However, to describe Fanny, Hardy uses expressions like ‘motionless stranger’, which dehumanises her and makes her seem really small and weak. In Chapter eleven, it becomes clear that Fanny had been running away to go and visit her boyfriend, Frank who is a soldier. Soldiers often had a reputation for having many girlfriends so, in this chapter, Fanny comes across as being quite naive. There is more emphasis and description of Fanny’s weakness because she is described as a ‘form’ which makes her seem like a tiny blot or shape in the distance. More Pathetic Fallacies are used in chapter eleven, it is night time, ‘The bell was in the open air, and being overlaid with several inches of muffling snow’, which is describing the setting as being muted and extremely quiet. This person was so much like a mere shade upon the earth’. The word ‘shade’ stands out because it is often a word used instead of ghost. These things could signify death in the relationship of Fanny and Frank. When Fanny tries to gain Frank’s attention outside his window, she throws snow at it, ‘thrown with such imbecility as was shown here’, this shows fanny’s fragility and her inability to do even one small thing; she has to try another couple of times before she actually captures his attention. It shows her persistence and desperation. When Fanny introduces herself to Frank, he says ‘What girl are you? ’ which suggests that Fanny isn’t his only girlfriend, and that he has many. She responds to him, ‘Your wife, Fanny Robin’, which tells us that Frank and Fanny have had some sexual relations because she considers herself to be his wife, but this wouldn’t be openly spoken or written about in Victorian times. Frank asks Fanny, ‘How did you come here? ’; this shows that he did not expect her to be able to visit him because the journey is so long. Franks is inside in the warmth, whereas Fanny is left outside in the cold which show that he’s not particularly interested in her and that he has power over her because they are not in the same room or on the same level. Fanny asks ‘When will it be? ’ to which Frank replies, ‘I don’t quite recollect’ which is playing with her feelings. Fanny then asks when it is they shall be married and Frank is very hesitant and dashes are used in the dialogue which shows that he is not very keen, and has no intention of marriage. The dashes are also use in Fanny’s dialogue, but this is to show emotion in her speech. It is hinted that Fanny and Frank have had sexual relations on more than one occasion because Fanny says ‘You said lots of times you would marry me’. It is possible that Frank only said that he would marry her in order to get her to have sex with him. This also implies that there is a very high chance that Fanny could be pregnant, which could be why she is so desperate to get married and she wants the marriage to happen as soon as possible. She would be thought very poorly of if she was to have a baby out of wed-lock because there was a lot of stigma around this sort of thing in Victorian times, and it would be very difficult for er to find another job or another husband. However, in this chapter, Hardy wants the reader to sympathise for Fanny, because it would not be easy to be in her situation. In chapter sixteen (appendix), the chapter is split up into four main parts to resemble the quarters of the clock. This creates an atmosphere and it emphasises the growing frustration and embarrassment of Frank when Fanny doesn’t show up for their wedding. Frank and Fanny were due to be married in the church, ‘All saints’, but instead, Fanny went to ‘All Souls’, and as a result, was late for her own wedding. This is symbolic because we usually associate souls with death. When Fanny turns up, she asks if they can be married the next day, but Frank says ‘I don’t go through that experience again for some time, I warrant you! ’ because he has lost his pride. Fanny is trembling which shows that she is a conventional image of a woman and lowers herself to men. A lot of the description of Fanny symbolises and foreshadows death; there are many hints that something will go wrong for her or someone close to her in the future. Hardy has created a presentation of a very weak character, who doesn’t want to stand out, but she is also very mysterious and I think that she has a lot of secrets hidden.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Factory Farming

December 4, 2012 Factory Farming With the rising population growth in the United States, food production has greatly changed. Factory farming was developed in the 1920's; soon after the discovery of vitamins A and D, these vitamins were added to the feed, eliminating the requirement for exercise and sunlight for growth. But what exactly is a factory farm? Factory farming is the dominate source of livestock food for the U. S. Harsh and cruel conditions are inflicted towards the animals which are confined in small cages, the factorys are inhumane and morally wrong.Simply put, it is a farm that runs like a factory. The dangers of this kind of agribusiness inflict not only the animals but the environment, communities and our health. Should factory farming be banned? The government refers factory farming as; concentrated (or confined) animal feeding operations (CAFOs). So what are the conditions of these ‘concentrated animal feeding operations? These facilities house hundreds or tho usands of cows, calves, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and other animals that live in extremely stressful conditions.They are confined in small cages, Jam packed in rooms with little to no room to move around or lay down comfortably. They are fed drugs to fatten them faster and keep them alive in conditions that could otherwise kill them. Genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are used to make the animals grow faster or to produce much more milk or eggs than they naturally would. (Sorensen, 2009) When animals raised for food are large enough for the slaughter houses they are transported in crowded trucks with often no water or food. The animals that survive this grotesque trip are often slaughtered alive.Practices such as altering animals bodies are common in all factory farms, practices such as; debeaking, A process that nvolves cutting through bone, cartilage and soft tissue with a blade to remove the top half and the bottom third of a chicken's, turkeys or ducks beak. Thi s measure is taken to reduce the excessive feather pecking and cannibalism seen among stressed, overcrowded birds in factory farms (ASPCA). So why aren't factory farms banned? There are many reasons as to why these facilities flourish in the United States and other countries. Factory farms are an efficient way to produce food for the large demand of meat, at a low cost.The large amount of Jobs it entails. They also ensure that huge cities will always have food. Factory farming has also promoted the development of vital amenities like good roads and hospitals among others (Harri). Corporations such as McDonalds and others alike are some of the largest consumers of the factory farming business. Without these farms it would be difficult, or impossible to provide chain restaurants with the amount of meat necessary in order to run efficiently. The people, we nourish this business by our desire for low priced food. Are these advantages actually positive or are we overlooking past the down sides?The number of factory farms in the U. S. s undefined, but according to the Factory FarmMap. org; in 2007 there were 571 ,210 livestock units in New Mexico. New Mexico nas extreme levels ot dairy tactory farms. One of them being along interstate 10 southeast of Las Cruces, there are 30, 000 dairy cows on 11 back to back dairy farms. How are factory farms dangerous? Factory farms pollute our land, air, and water by the extreme amount of waste generated by the vast amount of animals being raised in one place. Land and water have been poisoned by decades of use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers for mass production of livestock feed.According to the New Mexico Environment Department (Burnett, 2009); two thirds of the state's dairies are contaminating groundwater with excess nitrogen from manure leaking from lagoons or being over applied to fields. Nitrous oxides are being released from farms in large quantities due to manure application and are among the leading causes of aci d rain (Grace). Can we ban factory farming? It is irrational to think factory farming can be banned, although changes can be made. We can bring awareness to others about factory farming, and by buying local organic food at either farmers markets, or organic produce stores. Factory Farming Oral Presentation Preparation Factory Farming First of all, I am not against meat eating. However, factory farming is an unacceptable practice of meat producing and this unethical action need to be stopped. In order to support my idea, I am going to discuss the facts about factory farming. In order to have a better understanding about factory farming, it is necessary to define what the factory farming is. It is almost where the meat comes from. In 1920s, factory farming began to modify family farming to maximize the profits at great cost to both humans and animals.In fact, two million small farms have disappeared in 1950s. If the rate continues to be the same, there will no real independent farm left. Soon after they discover the vitamin A and D, which are added to feed animals, the animals are no longer required to exercise and sunlight for growth. Therefore, animals in factory farming are raised indoor for their whole lives. In addition, in the food industry, animals are not consid ered animals at all; they are food-producing machines. They are confined to small cages with metal bars. So, why are there too many people against factory farming?The reason is not hard to find – animals are suffered most by factory farming. There are so many animals spend their lives in cages such as chickens, cows, pigs, fox, bears and even tigers. The first to be transformed into mass-produced farming is chicken. Over 600 million chickens live and die in nightmarish conditions to supply Canadians with their meat and eggs. They are kept in small wire cages, called â€Å"battery cages†, with between 7 or 8 chickens. Because of stress and fear, they are peck at each other. In order to prevent the fights, their peaks are cut.It causes lasting pain; effect the ability to eat, drink, or any movement of their peaks. After 18 to 20 weeks, they are considered â€Å"spent hens†, and need to be sent to slaughter. The second major animal in the factory farm is cow. They are milked by machines, which they are not even allowed to sit down. Normally, the dairy cow is forced into a repeated cycle of pregnancy and having her newborns taken away as young as a few hours old so the milk can be used for human consumption. Another factory farm animal, pigs, are kept indoor, unable to turn around, an only stand and lie down with difficulty. There is no respect for mothers: the baby pigs are taken from their mothers in two to four weeks to be fattened up. After 3 to 4 years, mother pigs will be sent to the slaughter. Instead of giving them some more space to live, factory farmer will have pig’s tails docked and teeth clipped to prevent tail biting. Factory farming does not hurt only animals; it also damages human lives by so many dimensions: environment, health and even the economy. As the number of animals in factory farming increases, the amount of animal waste produced increase, too.It damages the air globally. Moreover, it also raises a great concer n about water pollution. For example, if 2 million birds are killed a day, 12 million gallons of water is needed to flush away 3 million pound of guts, chicken heads, feathers, and blood. Public health concern is another issue. In order to promote growth of animals, more than 83% of farm animals are fed with antimicrobial. In 2008, in the U. S. , two million people become infected at hospitals, of those, 90,000 have died because their infections were immune to treatment.Hilariously, the point of developing factory farming is to increase a country economy system; there are some economic arguments against factory farming. Some can believe that factory farming is more efficient method comparing to local farming, it is also considered the best way to produce protein-rich foods as well as affordable. However, economists say no, because the full cost of factory farming will be equal to the total cost of land use, waste disposal expense, cost of air and water pollution, the cost of public health, and finally the cost of community when the value and quality of life decrease.In fact, according to a study, the cost of cleaning up pollution, together with repairing habitats and dealing with sickness caused by factory farming equal to 2. 3 billion pounds which is almost the same amount as a total agriculture industry’s income. By being aware of this facts about factory farming would make a better world for both humans and nonhuman animals. It will soon destroy both humans and nonhuman animals. In addition, the fact is without factory farming, we still can live with an even better life and health, both for humans as well as nonhuman animals.Again, by some perspectives, humans have the right to consume meat, so in the end animals are killed; however, doing what cost least suffer for animals during their lives is a must. Works Cited Michael Bristow. â€Å"China bear bile farms stir anger among campaigners. † BBC News, Beijing. 19 Feb. 2012. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-asia-china-17188043>. â€Å"Factory Farming in Canada. † Chooseveg. ca Mercy for Animals. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://www. chooseveg. ca/animal-cruelty-canada. asp>. â€Å"The Pork Industry. † People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Peta. N. d.Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. peta. org/issues/animals-used-for-food/pork-industry. aspx>. â€Å"What are the Factory Farms hiding? See for Yourself? † Occupy for Animals. 03 Mar. 2012. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. occupyforanimals. org/what-are-factory-farms-hiding-see-for-yourself. html>. Danny Penman. â€Å"The factory farm tigers being turned into wine. † Mail Online. 12 Mar. 2007. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-441632/The-factory-farm-tigers-turned-wine. html>. â€Å"Factory Farm: The True Cost. † Human Farming Association. Wildlife Resource and rehabilitation.N. d. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. wildlife-rescue. org /index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=63&Itemid=60>. L, Murray. â€Å"Factory Farmed-Chickens: Their difficult lives and deaths. † Britanica Advocacy for Animals. 14 May. 2007. Web. 11 Jul. 2012 < http://advocacy. britannica. com/blog/advocacy/2007/05/the-difficult-lives-and-deaths-of-factory-farmed-chickens/>. â€Å"Factory Farming in Canada. † Be Compassionate Be Veg. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012 < http://www. beveg. ca/factory-farming-in-canada. php>. Willis, Peterson. â€Å"Family Farming in America. Family Farming ahap. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://familyfarmingahap. weebly. com/family-vs-corporate-farming. html>. Phillip Lymberry. â€Å"Why is Factory Farming such a big deal. † Compassion in World Farming. Youtube. 5 Jul. 2011. Video. 11 Jul. 2012. . â€Å"Back to the start. † Chipotle Mexican Grill. Youtube. 25 Aug. 2011. Video. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=aMfSGt6rHos> â€Å"The Meatrix. † Canada. The meatrix . N. d. Video. 11 Jul 2012. < http://www. themeatrix. com/intl/canada> Factory Farming Oral Presentation Preparation Factory Farming First of all, I am not against meat eating. However, factory farming is an unacceptable practice of meat producing and this unethical action need to be stopped. In order to support my idea, I am going to discuss the facts about factory farming. In order to have a better understanding about factory farming, it is necessary to define what the factory farming is. It is almost where the meat comes from. In 1920s, factory farming began to modify family farming to maximize the profits at great cost to both humans and animals.In fact, two million small farms have disappeared in 1950s. If the rate continues to be the same, there will no real independent farm left. Soon after they discover the vitamin A and D, which are added to feed animals, the animals are no longer required to exercise and sunlight for growth. Therefore, animals in factory farming are raised indoor for their whole lives. In addition, in the food industry, animals are not consid ered animals at all; they are food-producing machines. They are confined to small cages with metal bars. So, why are there too many people against factory farming?The reason is not hard to find – animals are suffered most by factory farming. There are so many animals spend their lives in cages such as chickens, cows, pigs, fox, bears and even tigers. The first to be transformed into mass-produced farming is chicken. Over 600 million chickens live and die in nightmarish conditions to supply Canadians with their meat and eggs. They are kept in small wire cages, called â€Å"battery cages†, with between 7 or 8 chickens. Because of stress and fear, they are peck at each other. In order to prevent the fights, their peaks are cut.It causes lasting pain; effect the ability to eat, drink, or any movement of their peaks. After 18 to 20 weeks, they are considered â€Å"spent hens†, and need to be sent to slaughter. The second major animal in the factory farm is cow. They are milked by machines, which they are not even allowed to sit down. Normally, the dairy cow is forced into a repeated cycle of pregnancy and having her newborns taken away as young as a few hours old so the milk can be used for human consumption. Another factory farm animal, pigs, are kept indoor, unable to turn around, an only stand and lie down with difficulty. There is no respect for mothers: the baby pigs are taken from their mothers in two to four weeks to be fattened up. After 3 to 4 years, mother pigs will be sent to the slaughter. Instead of giving them some more space to live, factory farmer will have pig’s tails docked and teeth clipped to prevent tail biting. Factory farming does not hurt only animals; it also damages human lives by so many dimensions: environment, health and even the economy. As the number of animals in factory farming increases, the amount of animal waste produced increase, too.It damages the air globally. Moreover, it also raises a great concer n about water pollution. For example, if 2 million birds are killed a day, 12 million gallons of water is needed to flush away 3 million pound of guts, chicken heads, feathers, and blood. Public health concern is another issue. In order to promote growth of animals, more than 83% of farm animals are fed with antimicrobial. In 2008, in the U. S. , two million people become infected at hospitals, of those, 90,000 have died because their infections were immune to treatment.Hilariously, the point of developing factory farming is to increase a country economy system; there are some economic arguments against factory farming. Some can believe that factory farming is more efficient method comparing to local farming, it is also considered the best way to produce protein-rich foods as well as affordable. However, economists say no, because the full cost of factory farming will be equal to the total cost of land use, waste disposal expense, cost of air and water pollution, the cost of public health, and finally the cost of community when the value and quality of life decrease.In fact, according to a study, the cost of cleaning up pollution, together with repairing habitats and dealing with sickness caused by factory farming equal to 2. 3 billion pounds which is almost the same amount as a total agriculture industry’s income. By being aware of this facts about factory farming would make a better world for both humans and nonhuman animals. It will soon destroy both humans and nonhuman animals. In addition, the fact is without factory farming, we still can live with an even better life and health, both for humans as well as nonhuman animals.Again, by some perspectives, humans have the right to consume meat, so in the end animals are killed; however, doing what cost least suffer for animals during their lives is a must. Works Cited Michael Bristow. â€Å"China bear bile farms stir anger among campaigners. † BBC News, Beijing. 19 Feb. 2012. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-asia-china-17188043>. â€Å"Factory Farming in Canada. † Chooseveg. ca Mercy for Animals. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://www. chooseveg. ca/animal-cruelty-canada. asp>. â€Å"The Pork Industry. † People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Peta. N. d.Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. peta. org/issues/animals-used-for-food/pork-industry. aspx>. â€Å"What are the Factory Farms hiding? See for Yourself? † Occupy for Animals. 03 Mar. 2012. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. occupyforanimals. org/what-are-factory-farms-hiding-see-for-yourself. html>. Danny Penman. â€Å"The factory farm tigers being turned into wine. † Mail Online. 12 Mar. 2007. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-441632/The-factory-farm-tigers-turned-wine. html>. â€Å"Factory Farm: The True Cost. † Human Farming Association. Wildlife Resource and rehabilitation.N. d. Web. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. wildlife-rescue. org /index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=63&Itemid=60>. L, Murray. â€Å"Factory Farmed-Chickens: Their difficult lives and deaths. † Britanica Advocacy for Animals. 14 May. 2007. Web. 11 Jul. 2012 < http://advocacy. britannica. com/blog/advocacy/2007/05/the-difficult-lives-and-deaths-of-factory-farmed-chickens/>. â€Å"Factory Farming in Canada. † Be Compassionate Be Veg. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012 < http://www. beveg. ca/factory-farming-in-canada. php>. Willis, Peterson. â€Å"Family Farming in America. Family Farming ahap. N. d. Web. 12 Jul. 2012. < http://familyfarmingahap. weebly. com/family-vs-corporate-farming. html>. Phillip Lymberry. â€Å"Why is Factory Farming such a big deal. † Compassion in World Farming. Youtube. 5 Jul. 2011. Video. 11 Jul. 2012. . â€Å"Back to the start. † Chipotle Mexican Grill. Youtube. 25 Aug. 2011. Video. 11 Jul. 2012. < http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=aMfSGt6rHos> â€Å"The Meatrix. † Canada. The meatrix . N. d. Video. 11 Jul 2012. < http://www. themeatrix. com/intl/canada>

Friday, September 27, 2019

Week 7 discussion replies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 7 discussion replies - Essay Example If the doors are not supposed to be closed, or it is allowable for the students to hang their arms or other body parts out of the vw, then it is not only unsafe to travel by the vw but also this discussion is out of context since the question is about fitting the students within the volume of the vw. Most of your answer is based on inculcating the concept of volume and size in the elementary students, and you have hardly touched upon the real point which is how to estimate the maximum number of students that fit in the vw. You need to discuss the volume of the vw and the average volume of a student, and compare the former to the latter to determine how many students can fit in the vw. While I agree with you on most part of your answer, I do not consent that all students have to be equally tall and weighty for the estimate to be accurate. Firstly, the problem requires you to determine the number of students that can fit in the vw without specifying that they have to be of equal height and weight, and secondly, some level of inaccuracy will always persist even if you select students of same height and weight because of numerous reasons. One reason can be that some students sit with their legs opened wider as compared to others. I find your description of the example of paper squares for the surface area very confusing and did not really understand its purpose. However, I agree to your method of calculating the volumes of the vw and the students, though you need to discuss how you would fit the students, as there are numerous ways; the students may just occupy the seats in the vw, they may sit in each other’s lap, some may sit in the empty area between the rear and front seats. These factors need to be discussed. I agree that there is space of five passengers in an average car, but here, the matter is of fitting the students in the vw,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Indigenous Culture Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Indigenous Culture - Coursework Example Kunz & Vibha (2008) explain that the Naga people were traditionally hunters and gathers. They lived on hilltops and therefore enjoyed a vantage position, which they in turn used to raid other communities in the plains. They carried out systematic raids for cattle and food. With time, they began farming and rearing livestock. This way, farming became their main pattern of subsistence. The various tribes of the Naga people have egalitarian societies. They live in villages that are closely-knit units (Stirn & Peter, 2008). The units comprise of clans and families that intermarry thereby strengthening their villages. Families in the Naga culture were monogamous with society considering fidelity to spouses a major virtue. The culture does not permit people to marry from their own clans. The culture considers such unions as incest and therefore encourages inter-clan marriages. The Naga culture is a preliterate culture owing to the lack of writing abilities of the populace. The Naga people had unique religious beliefs that included the worship of ancestors and a supernatural being. They believed that their ancestors protected them and therefore invested in appeasing the spirits of the ancestors. They offered animal and crop sacrifices with some people dropping portions to the ground before they eat with the view to appeasing the spirits. As explained earlier, the Naga people have a warrior tradition with the society’s youth joining a class of warriors who traditionally raided neighboring societies. The societies are patriarchal and the family is the basic social unit. Respect for fathers among other male elders in the society is paramount with women having distinctive roles. The culture expects women to show both obedience and humility to their men. The culture had a unique attire with the man’s clothing remaining distinctive. Men’s clothing

What are the patterns of business failure in the UK What are the main Essay

What are the patterns of business failure in the UK What are the main explanations for why businesses do not survive Which explanations are the most and least convincing - Essay Example Failure usually follows a similar pattern in both small and large enterprises when faced with financial crisis in the wider economy. With the economic downturn of 2008, the business climate has become much tougher in the UK for new, upcoming firms. Importantly, in addition to the failure of business due to economic factors, there are many other reasons that contribute to this eventuality (Bartelsman, Scarpetta, & Schivardi, 2003). Hence, taking this into account, this paper aims to analyse the trends related to business failure in the UK. A critical assessment of the related factors is only possible with a deeper understanding of the theoretical framework. Furthermore, the paper also seeks to extract deeper insight into the causes that result in the failure of business. The assessment will bring in to the limelight the factors that play a dominant role in leading entrepreneurs towards business closure. Upon assessment of the reasons it identifies, this paper will also discuss the factors that appear to be least convincing for justifying failure. The global landscape for doing business is increasing dual perspectives for the business. The dual impact can be regarded as the direct impact of globalisation. On one hand, the globalisation has increased the opportunities for business to explore different countries and new markets with limited resources required. Also, globalisation has offered new ways to introduce innovative ideas. Yet with this opportunity, global business simultaneously faces increasing challenges as globalisation has increased competition not only from local competitors but from international rivals as well (Arbaugh and Camp, 2000). The number of business failures gives the clear signal of the downfall of the emerging market. According to one report, the business index goes down from 93.5 to 90.2 in the year 2014. According to D&B (2012), the decline in the index was from 5.8% to as low as 3.5 % in the same

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Modern definition of success in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Modern definition of success in America - Essay Example Black Americans have been able to establish different expectations and attitudes compared to their white counterparts. This has accrued from the historical evolution of the American society (Lipsitz 371). This essay will focus mainly on the African-Americans because they have been known to face the most humiliation and discrimination as compared to other races namely Hindu and Hispanic. The most common form of prejudice was slavery which entailed slaves being owned as properties with no legal rights whatsoever. They could be bought, sold to clear debts and even leased to interested parties. Statistics in the 19th Century showed that the African- Americans comprised of the largest number of slaves who were immigrants of African descent that had crossed the Atlantic sea. Slavery was used as a means of getting slave laborers to produce certain goods for the world market namely sugar and tobacco by working in large plantations (Moon 234). The living conditions of slaves were intolerable at best therefore leading to a number of deaths of African-Americans. The causes of death were mainly poverty and sickness and in some cases, thorough beatings by their masters (Moon 234). Despite this, many Africans still came to the western hemisphere with hopes of a promising future only to be disappointed in the long-run. Slavery died with the Civil War but there was still existence of slaves in various States up to 1840. This the period whereby the one-drop rule came into being which mentioned that any individual who had any level of African ancestry was a negro namely black. Children who had mixed parentage were automatically considered to be black because they had â€Å"one drop of negro blood†. The man behind this rule was known as Thomas Jefferson although historical records have found that he bore children of mixed race with his slave known as Sally Hemings. This

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ISO Standards and Excellence - work paper Coursework

ISO Standards and Excellence - work paper - Coursework Example These categories entail over twenty plus criterions based items. The five categories of ISO 9000 include the following: A quality management system comprises of set of rules that need to be fulfilled. Some of these require practical steps related to the ongoing processes, the others require the documentation and written material which include the declaration of the Standard Operating Procedures. Monitoring of processes, activities, timeline following and providing the employees with working manuals that clearly define their tasks and responsibilities are few of the basic requirements set forth by a Quality Management System. A quality system is a broader concept and application of the basic principles of quality services and delivery. The quality manual on the other side is a documented form of company and policy material which is largely based on the quality system manifesto and mechanisms. Quality system is a broad line definition and quality manual is the part of entire project and work which is presented as an organizational work policy representative documents. Quality procedures are set of steps and actions that are set forth before the workers prior to their working execution. The quality process include the practical demonstration of the steps so undertaken during the course of action. The work instructions comprise of the clear dos and don’ts of the organization which provides a clear path following to the organization and project accomplishment. Quality objective comes along as the part of the quality Management system and quality policy manifesto. Under the objectives, the workers are provided with the guidelines that need to be accomplished. The processes are clearly chalked out. The objectives roughly define the project goals and organizational management setup. I.S.O defines the quality objective and makes it an integral part of the organizational manifesto, the I.S.O accreditation is subject to

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Milky Way Galaxy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Milky Way Galaxy - Essay Example The Milky Way we see today is known as a spiral galaxy due to its shape, a flattened disc that bulges in the center. Arms of concentrated matter swirl out from the bulge giving it its spiral appearance. Between the arms of matter are dust lanes, which gives the area a vacant look. The diameter of the disc is approximately 100,000 light years across while the thickness of the disc is only 2,000 light years. The center bulge reaches out to a thickness of about 6,000 light years. The galaxy itself has a well-ordered motion revolving around the galactic center and is surrounded by the galactic halo. The halo is made up of faint older stars that meander randomly, engulfing the galaxy. The galaxy's spiral arms are formed as the galaxy spins and density waves move through the collection of stars and gas. The waves compress different parts of the disc at different times and give it the characteristic spiral shape. These spiral arms rotate around the center bulge where most of the matter is contained, and as the galaxy spins it maintains its shape through the rotational movement and gravity. The stars and globular clusters in the halo that surround the main portion of the galaxy give it an overall spherical shape. The discovery of the Milky Way is a relatively rec

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Formalist Approach on A Supermarket in California by Allen Ginsberg Essay Example for Free

A Formalist Approach on A Supermarket in California by Allen Ginsberg Essay Allen Ginsberg is considered to be one of the most influential poet of all time. He is regarded one of the most influential personalities of the beat generation during the 1950’s and 1960’s. His works became known for assaulting the prevalent conformity and materialism in the United States during his time. One of his best known work is the poem â€Å"A Supermarket in California. † It would be very interesting to approach a work of Ginsberg according to formalist standards. A formalist approach the work of Ginsberg would only reveal to us that he deliberately breaks-off from the conventions set by formalism. According to the criterion of formalism, an art work should only be judged according to the set conventions of its form. Poetry under formalism could also be considered as traditional poetry. In poetry, formalism would be more concerned with the form, rhyme scheme, and meter. Ginsberg’s â€Å"A Supermarket in California† violates many formalist standards. It would be important to note that the poem is not metered and there is no apparent end rhymes. The poem is actually written in long lines following the free-verse form. Free-verse is generally considered as an open genre of poetry wherein structure, rhyme, and meter are not prioritized (Lawlor 208). Reading orally would reveal to us that the poem is intended to be read. The poem takes on a poetic yet conversational tone. However, an interesting aspect about free-verse is that there is still some sense of control, something that holds the poem together, namely the metaphor. In this particular aspect of the poem, some sense of standard is found, therefore quasi-formalist. Ginsberg had used the supermarket as a metaphor for the society, wherein people are just produce â€Å"aisles full of husbands / wives in the avocados / babies in the tomatoes. † Ginsberg had portrayed Walt Whitman and Garcia Lorca as shoppers in â€Å"the neon fruit supermarket. It should be noted that Whitman and Lorca are regarded as two of the greatest poets in the history of literature. The metaphor is suggesting that the society is abundant with people whom poets could pick as an inspiration of their works. Another important aspect to be considered is that Allen Ginsberg is heavily associated with the beat generation, a group of writers dedicated to subvert the standards set by formalists (Lawlor 340). Without a doubt, Ginsberg’s work on â€Å"A Supermarket in California† would not pass the standards of formalist poetry. However, we must set Ginsberg’s poem within its context. The audience Ginsberg had was not entertained by formalist poetry. That is why he had written the poem in a simple and conversational manner. This is one of most admirable aspects of Allen Ginsberg’s poetry. After all, it all boils down to priority. A poet should decide which is more important, the message of the poem or the form?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Establishing Relationships in Support Work

Establishing Relationships in Support Work Haiyang Li There are many kinds of relationships in the world, for instance, parents and children, husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, friends, neighbors and etc. Normally, people think the relationship between supporters and clients is the same as doctor and clients. However, there are a lot of differences. In this essay, I will demonstrate what a supporting relationship should be, identifying the key theoretical principles to establish a supporting relationship. In between, I will connect the theoretical principles with the case study, and demonstrate how the principles work in the real situation. To build a supporting relationship, the supporter needs to put his heart in the support work using all the helping skills and Personal-Certred Approach as a guide in the real work. The relationship between supporter and client was seen as someone who can talk to. It looks very simple. However, the supporter is the one who can be trust, the one who can understand the problems or the situation the clients in, the one can accept the fact of clients hold, and the one can be allowed to provide help for the client. In order to become that kind supporter, the helper need to prepare relevant knowledge to understand the situation, history, strength and worries the client has. the relationship is about building a rapport and trust with the supporter. The client may feel comfortable enough to open up and address their problems. This kind of relationship is built on confidentiality and reliability. In this case, ‘Spider’, he is a 19 years old boy. The situation of him is that he is sleeping in the nearby park. He is lack of education but he learned from street knowing how to survive on the street but poor living conditions. The history of him is that he has family abuse history and has been lived in foster homes for a few years and change foster home frequently in those years. He was not good at school study left school when he was 14. After he turned to 18, he lost government support and then he had to live in the street in the poor living condition and use street drugs for himself. The strength of him is that he identifies himself as a resourceful, determined and smart street dweller. He wants to start a new way of life which is moving out from the street, finding a job, requiring more knowledge and having his own living place. He hopes that he can have his own family. He has very strong desire to move on for his life to start working forward to his dream. The worries of him are homelessness, unemployment and reuse street drugs. From case study, I think the Person-Centred Approach is suitable and helpful for us to understand and care for him. The Person-Centred Approach developed from the work of Dr. Carl Rogers. The research (Richard, 1992) indicates that the Person-Centred Approach theory aim to develop or create a relationship that can allow the clients to be themselves. The relationship can be felt safe for the client and give them space to develop and grow. To achieve this goal, the supporter would be a person who was deeply understanding which is empathic in the theory; accepting which is having unconditional positive regard and genuine which is congruent in the principle. Using Person-Centred Approach theory, the supporter needs to understand what has happened to him. Firstly, when he was young, he was suffering from neglect and abuse in his family. The research (Smith Segal, 2012) shows that Negligence, on the part of parents or caretakers, can cause children both physical and mental health problems. Parents or caretakers carelessness can be seen as a kind of physicalabuse. Children’s fear is also from unpredictable environment change and behavior of their guardians. The guardians successfully manage to plunge fear in the hearts of the children. As a result children who suffered from family physical abuse always pay attention on the negative emotions of their caretakers or parents. So, when these children grow up, the childhood experience has impacted on their personalities and behavior as well. Research (Soomro, Abbasi Lalani, 2014) shows that they may encounter physical problems such as asthma, high blood pressure, ulcer, allergies, etc; p sychological problems such as personal disorders and aggressive demeanor and behavior problems such as felony, drug habits and poor academic performance. In this case, ‘Spider’ shows his behavior problems which are not successful in school and drug problems. And street drug problem still drag him back to the street. Secondly, he had been into the foster home but change frequent between foster homes. The foster care system seems another ideal choice for them; however, it is not always helpful when these young people need help. These adolescents have been impacted by the homeless issue and cause their social and health problem (Joanne Patricia, 2006). Children who have been put in the foster care home experienced about the relationship attached between them and their caretakers or their foster home parents. This link is very important for children’s development. Research (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) indicated that Disruptions in attachment relationships can lead to Reactive Attachment Disorder of infancy or early Childhood. In this case, ‘Spider’ has experienced the frequently changes in foster care homes. This impact may shows on him when he grows up. He may have difficulty trust or related with somebody else such as our supporters. So this may be a barrier in est ablishing supporting relationships. So from this case, as a supporter, I understand that the most problems of him have not controlled by himself. He has no choices that born from a family where abuse him when he was young. For rescuing him, he has been put into foster care. The child abuse experience makes his misbehavior in the foster home and school. He does not prepare enough for his independent life before he had been abandoned from foster care home. He has to live in the street in a rough condition so that he has the opportunity to connect with street drugs. I am also glad that he is still holding his hope on his future. He wants to be employed, educated and to have a living place. The internal motivation is the most important helper for him to reach his goal because an important part of this theory is that in a particular psychological environment, the fulfillment of personal potential is a desire to know and be known by other people (British Association for the Person Centred Approach, 2015). After understanding about the client, the supporter needs to preparing himself with communication skills, action skills, mind skills and using unconditional positive regard to start a conversation with the client. Richard (2012) indicates that the Communication and action skills are what people do and how they do it rather than what and how they feel and think. The skills include listening skills, questioning skills and challenging skills. Supporter and clients can use verbal messages, vocal messages, body messages, touch messages and taking action messages to communication with each other. In the Person-Centred Approach theory, supporter needs to use positively acceptant response to the client. Use warm and appropriate expression to send messages to build a different kind of relationships so the client may feel free to talk and express himself. Also, in genuine part, the supporter need to show client that client has been heard. It is important to show that the supporter is paying attention in the conversation they have. The supporter may use verbal messages to reflecting what the client said; may use face expression to let client know the support was thinking about what client said; or the supporter, may use taking action messages to make a note to show his listening. That is the main difference of the relationship with doctor, nurse or social worker. John and Julia (2011) research shows that these professional people tend to provide advices response rather than listening. They are looking for the solution rather than the process of helping people finding their own pro blems the helping relationship is focus on people. It is the way for people to rescue themselves. I understand of mind skills is the process to know yourself and your own experience in order to use your own experience to help the client. in this case, we can share the same experience when ourselves in the difficult situation. Out experience may difference with his abuse, foster care, homelessness history but we have our difficult time such as hard to find a job and do not know what to do next in life. The important that we share how we concur the difficulty, what effort we made and never lose the hope. To sum up, the support work is how you treat someone who needs help and how to provide help. The first to start a relationship, as the Person-Certred Approach suggested, understanding what the client is, such as who he is, what the situation he is in, what the problem he has and what worries he may have. Then before start a conversation, the supporter needs to provide a comfortable and safe environment for the client. One meaning of the environment is physical environment that may include the nice place to sit, comfortable and no interrupting noise. The other meaning of the environment is between supporter and the client. The supporter need to prepare an environment that the client can open his heart and willing to share his story. In order to do so, the supporter need to use the communication and action skills, use his voice, use positive unconditional regards, use acceptance attitude and use congruent skills to show that the supporter is ready and willing to accept the client. Also , the supporter needs to keep the confidentially of the conversation. So the client feels trustworthy and safe to talk to the supporter. References British Association for the Person Centred Approach, 2015. What is the Person-Centred Approach? Retrieved from Joanne, O., Patricia, L. (2006). Adolescent Homelessness, Nursing, and Public Health Policy. Policy, Politics, Nursing Practice, 7(1), 73-77. doi: 10.1177/1527154406286663 John, M., Julia, M. (2011). Counseling Skills a practical guide for counselors and helping professionals. (2nd ed.). New York, USA: Open University Press Richard, N. (1992). Lifeskills Helping A text book of practical counseling and helping skills. (3nd ed.). NSW, Australia: Harcourt Brace Company. Richard, N. (2012). Basic counseling skills a helper’s manual. (3rd ed.). London, UK. Sage publications Ltd. Smith, M., Segal, J. (2012, July).Child Abuse and Neglect. Retrieved July 25, 2012, from Helpguide: Soomro, S., Abbasi,Z. Lalani, F. (2014). An Indepth Insight intoChildAbuseand itsImpacton Personality of Victims. International Research Journal of Art Humanities. 10 (40), 53-68. Retrieved from

Friday, September 20, 2019

Development of an Online Crime Management System (OCMS)

Development of an Online Crime Management System (OCMS) Case study of the Nigerian Police Force OYEKUNLE OYEBOLA COMFORT Abstract The aim of this project and implementation is to develop interactive online crime management system which is easily accessible to the public taking a cognizance of the Nigeria Police Force crime management approach. The accessibility of the public is to complain or even report a crime to the police stations is relatively low going by the fear of the harassment by the police department as well as endemic corruption in the system. The project and implementation titled â€Å"online crime management system† taking cognizance of the Nigeria Police Force is a web basedapplication which manages and control the information transportation with respect to a particular location. The approach will provide avenue for escalating crimes, making complaints, account disappeared persons, show fugitive details, show missing individuals and possessions, report theft, manage reported crimes among other things. The project procedures precisely looks into the crime recognition and avoidance. The user interfaces have been planned using the DOT Net technologies. The standards of security and data protective mechanism have been given a big choice for proper usage. The application takes care of different modules and their associated reports, which are produced as per the applicable strategies and standards that are put forwarded by the administrative staff. Introduction With the rapid growth in telecommunication industry that gives room for multiple access, there is need for implementation of digitized crime management system for more efficiency. Real time crime management is directly proportional to the class of security optimization which reduces the crime as well as social vices in the society With increasing population, it is very paramount to initiate an efficient crime control/management technique to maximize the security throughput as well as effective information technology utilization in providing necessary security cover for the general public. Online crime management system is employed to maximize effective security implementation. Serious crime grew to nearly epidemic proportions, mainly in Lagos and other urbanized areas categorized by speedy development and change, by stark economic inequality and deprivation, by social disorganization, and by inadequate government service and law enforcement capabilities. The situation sees the urban area more policed with around 25 percent of the population lived. The public distrust of the law enforcement agencies happened to be the major reason for underreporting of crimes. Annual crime rates fluctuated around 200 per 100,000 population in Nigeria until the early l960s and then steadily increased to more than 300 per 100,000 by the mid-1970s. Accessible data from the 1980s specified a continuing increase. Overall conveyed crimes rose from nearly 211,000 in 1981 to between 330,000 and 355,000 during 1984-85. Although serious crime usually constituted the larger category, minor crimes and offenses accounted for most of the increase. Crimes against property generally accounted for more than half the offenses, with thefts, burglary, and breaking and entering covering 80 to 90 percent in most years. Assaults established 70 to 75 percent of all crimes against persons. The British High Commission in Lagos cited more than 3,000 cases of falsifications yearly. In the late 1980s, the crime wave was aggravated by deteriorating economic circumstances and by the ineptitude, incompetence, and dishonesty of police, military, and customs personnel who conspired and collaborated with offenders or actually involved in criminal manner. Most of the crimes committed usually occur due to delay in conveying incidence report to the relevant information owner. The design of a system based on web application provides fast link to the records maintained and must interpret the significant reviews about the security condition in other to reduce the crime. It is predictable to centralize the organization of information in Crime for the main objectives of fast and efficient sharing of critical information across all Police Stations in the country. Initially, the system will be implemented across Cities and Towns and later on, be interlinked so that a Police detective can access information across all records in the state thus helping speedy and successful completion to cases. The System would also be used to generate information for pro-active and preventive measures for fighting crime. The project has been planned to be having the view of distributed design, with centralized storage of the database. The application for the storage of the data has been planned with the usage of the constructs of SQL server. The objective of the project and implementation was to develop a site in which any citizen can report crimes. The Crime Management and Reporting System make the crime reporting easier providing effective documentation as well managing the crime history. This project and implementation will be useful for the Nigeria Police Department and other law enforcement agencies and parastatals. The home page provides the login capability for both the registered users and administrators. Only the Administrators in-charge of different Police Stations will be able to login to their home pages. The citizen could only report crimes and missing person. The public response to official misconduct was to take matters into its own hands persons and property while enjoying the facilities being provided to the unregistered citizen. Generally, most police departments in the developed nations have recorded substantial progress in using ICT in management and service delivery whereas their counter parts in the less developed nations have not. This has enabled the police stations in developed countries to provide improved service delivery to its citizens as well as improved interaction with its citizens. The resulting benefits have been increased transparency, cost reduction among other benefits. However, ICT has not yet been fully utilized by the police departments in developing nations including our country thus resulting to poor service delivery to the public. Crime is part of human activities and needs to be managed. No human society has ever been totally free of deviants and it is unlikely that society will ever be. The more populated and complex a society becomes the wider the range of antisocial conducts that must be controlled by the government through the armed forces and other agencies the Police Force. The incident-based system reports on a much broader range of crimes and includes data on the circumstances of the crime, the victim, and the defendant. The current crime reporting system is faced with several difficulties as there is no instant means of reporting crime other than telephone calls, messaging or perhaps face-to-face which is usually cumbersome especially where the reporter wishes to keep anonymity. The proposed crime reporting system aims to assist the Nigerian Police in their bid to solve crimes with timely and useful information about criminals and/or their mode of operations so as to nip in the bud criminal activitie s in a given locality. Finally, a prototype crime reporting system was designed that relies on four reporting forms: a complaint or dispatch reporting form, a crime event report form, follow-up investigation report form, and an arrest report form. The system consists of three functional modules: a data capture module, a report management and control module, and a data utilization module. Future work on crime reporting system can be tailored towards accessibility (mobile version), awareness and improvement on the usage. The rate at which information is transmitted from one end to another through a given system has significantly increased. The success of an organization depends largely on the rate at which information is exchanged within the organization and also on how safe the information/data transmission process is. The attitude of workers to work also affects the success and growth of any organization. 0Different components in this project and operation included visitor’s module, registered user’s module, and administrator module. The visitor’s module will inundate the visitor to view latest broadcast (latest news update) that have been provided by the administrator. The news is filtered with respect to the visitors’ location. The registered user module provides theclientwith the facility for reporting crimes, missing persons, view most wanted persons, making complaints etc. The administrator’s module provides facility for full administration of the website by responding to clientrequests, it also allows for adding new admin, managing most wanted persons and missing persons, managing hot news and crimes and several other functionality. PROBLEM JUSTIFICATION With the high increase in population in the country with several regions being properly planned for good access road and other social amenities, the economy has negatively been influenced. This has seen its citizens indulging in lots of businesses in order to earn a living. This makes them so much busy to a point that they don’t get time to do some of their responsibilities such as reporting crime. Figure 1.1 Lagos city showing unplanned roads with minimal social amenity In most cases the officials result to harassing the citizens reporting the crimes and if there is a way to report crimes without having to go to police stations then this problem could be avoided. At other times when one reports about a missing person or property, this gets only to the police station where you have reported but don’t get to other police stations all over the County or to a larger extent and this narrows down the area of investigation. In spite of the development of Information Technology, little study has been done to analyze the problems affectingthe performanceof the Police. Figure 1.2Reports of Police inefficiency and harassment Crime is part of human activities and needs to be managed. No human society has ever been totally free of deviants and it is unlikely that society will ever be. The more populated and complex a society becomes the wider the range of anti-social conduct that must be controlled by government using police power. The incident-based system reports on a much broader range of crimes and includes data on the circumstances of the crime, the victim, and the defendant. The current crime reporting system is faced with several difficulties as there is no instant means of reporting crime rather than telephone calls, messaging or perhaps face-to-face which is always cumbersome in a case the reporter might want to keep anonymity. To strengthen crime reporting system, an online system is enhanced to fully take the responsibility of reporting crime in a manner that will be useful to the Nigerian Police Force (NPF). For instance, in cases involving property crime the incident-based system will report o n the: type and description of the article; its value; type of loss (e.g., stolen, vandalized); type of victim (e.g., individual, business); And location of crime (e.g., convenience store, residence). Criminologist and ICT Engineers are always at loggerhead over the technological advancement in Crime management which it is widely believe to be wasteful with little or no emphasis on the efficiency. They both believe the present system of crime management is faulty and needs redefinition. While Criminologist argue on security signal basis, the engineers define crime management on what is obtainable. Research Objectives and Significance The sudden growth in the telecommunication provider providing wireless access has made the internet more accessible. With more demand for intelligent crime management system The aim of CRIS is to assist the Nigerian Police Force (NPF) in their bid to solve crimes with timely and useful information about criminals and/or their mode of operations so as to nip in the bud criminal activities in a given locality. The objectives of the research work are as stated below: To provide a deterministic crime reporting model To create a distributed data warehouse for crime reporting based on the model. The enhanced data quality of the incident-based reporting system will be of significant benefit to state and local governing bodies, criminal justice agencies, and the public. Data from the incident-based system will enhance both strategic and tactical decision making in criminal justice. Because incident-based data will provide a more accurate picture of a communitys crime patterns, decisions regarding law enforcement, judicial, and correctional resources can be made based on empirical data. Similarly, the level of detail provided by incident-based data can assist law enforcement agencies and the community to identify crime problems in their community such as: crime hotspots †¢ populations who are at risk and Drug and alcohol problems. Crime prevention strategies may then be developed and evaluated based on empirical evidence. This study will also assist policy analyst to understand both factors that impedes the efficiency and effectiveness of the police and the ways by which the situation could be improved upon so as to bring crime and disorders in the society to its barest minimum. Finally, this study will go a long way in contributing to the knowledge of police work. Besides, other researchers and students in higher institutions especially those in sociology department can derive various secondary data from this study. Crime Sensing The root causes of crime [are] poverty, unemployment, underemployment, racism, poor health care, bad housing, weak schools, mental illness, alcoholism, single-parent families, teenage pregnancy, and a society of selfishness and greed. Online Crime Management system is a web based application that provides avenue as well as gateway for reporting online crimes, lodge complaints, announce missing persons, inform the general public the fugitive details mailing with platform to chart online and send emails. There is no restriction on the number of concurrent connections to the web server. Every user must subscribe to the web server by registering on the server. Existing System In the existing system only we can see the details of particular information about the police stations in our state, the existing system has more workload for the authorized person, but in the case of Proposed System, the user can registered in our site and send the crime report and complaint about a particular city or person. Drawbacks of Existing System More man power. Time consuming. Consumes large volume of pare work. Needs manual calculations. No direct role for the higher officials. Damage of machines due to lack of attention. To avoid all these limitations and make the working more accurately the system needs to be computerized. Proposed System The aim of proposed system is to develop a system of improved facilities. The proposed system can overcome all the limitations of the existing system. The system provides proper security and reduces the manual work. The existing system has several disadvantages and many more difficulties to work well. The proposed system tries to eliminate or reduce these difficulties up to some extent. The proposed system will help the user to reduce the workload and mental conflict. The proposed system helps the user to work user friendly and he can easily do his jobs without time lagging. Expected Advantages of Proposed System The system is very simple in design and to implement. The system requires very low system resources and the system will work in almost all configurations. It has got following features Ensure data accuracy’s. Proper control of the higher officials. Reduce the damages of the machines. Minimize manual data entry. Minimum time needed for the various processing. Greater efficiency. Better service. User friendliness and interactive. Minimum time required.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Maintaining Cultural Identity in the Face of Adversity Essay -- Cultura

Maintaining Cultural Identity in the Face of Adversity "At the turn of the century, Sea Island Gullahs, descendants of African Captives, remained isolated from the mainland of South Carolina and Georgia. As a result of their isolation, the Gullah created and maintained a distinct, imaginative, and original African American Culture. Gullah communities recalled, remembered, and recollected much of what their ancestors brought with them from Africa†¦" - Prologue to Julie Dash’s "Daughters of the Dust" The people who settled in the United States from all over the world built the rich history of the country. Indeed, the U.S. is a country that has been built on immigration. The first non-indigenous arrivers were European and with them they brought to the United States all of the western ideologies of their homeland. This is true of all of the groups that immigrated here over the course of the next several hundred years. However, the initial settling of the Europeans in America created a standard by which other immigrants would have to compete against. Once a particular group saturates an area, it is difficult for diversified outgroups to bring their own culture and belief systems into a society that has already established itself. This rift in cultures is evident at the turn of the 20th century. There are communities of like-minded people carefully segregated in New York City, for example. The Italians, the Irish, and the Jews and the Blacks all had their own niche carved for themsel ves in the big city. These pockets of ethnic groups are created for several reasons. First, people are most comfortable with what they already know. Imagine coming to a new country for the first time. If you can go to an area where you know they will... ...o that fact. The only way balance can be achieved, though, is if the past is not forgotten. African Americans must "recall, remember, and recollect much of what their ancestors brought with them from Africa†¦ ." Bibliography Online; Internet. available at Pabis, Dr. George S. "Sub-Saharan Africa Under Foreign Rule." Online; Internet. available at University of Georgia Press. "The Gullah People and Their African Heritage." Online; Internet. available at Members of Honors Religious Traditions of the African Diaspora 1997. "The Gullah People and Their Link to West Africa." Online; Internet. available at

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Bullying has become an epidemic among schools. With increased technology children can now continue to bully others from their home. The rise in availability has increased bullying and made the effects more damaging. However, while the victim is important, studying them will cause little to no decrease in bullying. Therefore, it is more important to study the offender. While the most common reason for bullying is often thought of to be power, recent studies have shown that bullying is related to personality. Sociologist believe that our personality is made up by one’s experiences with their world. This may be why scientist are arguing that the bully personality is an â€Å"evolved adaptation,† (Book, 2011, p. 218). This paper will attempt to establish the personality of a bully, where that personality stems from, and how the problem of bullying can be ceased. Bullying can be related to a DNA mutation, an accident. However, if the carrier of the mutation reprod uces and spreads that mutation, it will evolve into a human trait. Although the mutation is now multiplying, it can sti...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Accutane associated Depression

Acne vulgaris or acne as it is commonly known, is a common skin disease mostly found in adolescent teenagers above the age of 14 and at times it may extend through to adulthood.According to the Dermatological disease database, acne develops as a result of secretions of the skin sebaceous glands and blockage of skin follicles which leads to eruption of pimples, blackheads and scars on the skin1.   It is not caused by eating certain foods such as chocolate, French fries or pizza as commonly believed.It has been reported by the British Dermatology Journal that, although not much data on acne's epidemiology is available, it has been discovered that about 40 to 85% of teenagers are or have already been affected by this disorder, making it the most common skin disease.For instance in America, every one out of three teenagers is or has had this disorder and the disease prevalence is not dependent on the race, sex, skin color or ethnicity.This disease occurs earlier in females than in male s a fact which can be attributed to the earlier onset of puberty and maturity in females than in males2.   On the contrary, the severity of this disease is more in males than in females especially when it occurs during the late teenage years due to androgen hormonal influences.In adulthood, acne is more prevalent in females than in males.   Some studies have further indicated that the prevalence of acne can be seasonal especially in women where it occurs just before the onset of their menstrual periods.More over, acne has been found to be more severe during the cold seasons than in the warmer weather conditions although these findings are not yet proven.   Some epidemiological data released by the Dermatological department of Munich University suggests that there is a close relationship between smoking and acne prevalence although still, this has not been confirmed3.Background Information.The history of acne disease dates back to ancient days and its origin is believed to be s omewhere in ancient Greece where people infected by this disease were treated using hot water baths mixed with sulfur4.   This method of acne treatment was used all through the 19th century till early 20th century when Benzoyl peroxide treatment was discovered.In 1950s, the use of antibiotics to treat the disease was invented especially tetracyclines although such antibiotics are no longer effective due to resistance of the disease causing germs.   More powerful antibiotics such as Retin-A were later discovered in 1960s and the disease control became much easier.   Such antibiotics are still in use especially in the U. S5.In 1980, the famous Accutane anti-acne drug was invented and this drug although controversial, it is very effective and is still in use today.   The year 1990 saw the emergence of Laser therapy which not only treats the disease but it clears the scars as well.   This treatment is quite expensive although it is very fast and effective.In 2000, the blue/red therapy was invented and this combined with the laser therapy invented earlier, led to more improved methods of acne treatment6.   This evolution shows how acne treatment has evolved with time, making the disease more manageable and easily treatable4.Acne prevalence has been on the decline in the past few years mainly due to increased knowledge on the disease, improved methods of prevention and treatment and better management of the disorder7.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Management & Leadership Essay

The way the world now developed through the industrial revolution from the twentieth century has a great background with many driving factor involved. The scheme that is cost-effective and has a good impact on social welfare of society, and those living in the society, is considerably dependent on the effective and resourceful piece of organizations of all kinds, which depends on satisfactory or excellent management and leadership potential, and which can be learnt and extended, would be acknowledged by many. This is the reason different government and government agencies nationally or internationally, organization of all kinds, investing in their own development, behaves as the basis of this belief that they make considerable investment in management and leadership training, development and education. There was a report in November 2006, Yahoo manager Brad Garlinghouse issued memo that directly challenge the senior management. He accused the Yahoo’s leadership lacking strategic direction. Their competitor Google had beaten Yahoo in terms of revenue, advertisement and the share price fallen nearly a third since the start of the year. He suggested to have a change in their strategy. Off course it is very difficult to change the strategy for any organization but to survive in the competent world a change should be made when needed. It was Mr. Garlinghouse great management and leadership skill that he diagnosed the problem and gives his organization a direction to move. Apart from what he observed and analyzed, the main part is that he made a decision to apply the change. He might have adopted different style for management as well as leadership, according to the organizational structure of Yahoo, and would be aware of what impact would be coming in applying the decisions. It would have been Autocratic or Paternalistic or it might be the Democratic one but what actually he identified was the lack in the management and leadership directions. Waka International is a multinational organization making FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) all over the world and for the last few years making its way up but not with a pace with which it has to moving over with good management and leader but still the HR management asked junior researcher to compile a report on how the managers can lead their team using different styles of management and leadership and how these styles going to impact on the strategic decision, and this is what good organization do to look what changes they need or things that can be adopted like Yahoo manager Brad Galinghouse did. There is a good saying by someone that there is one thing constant and it is â€Å"change† and researchers have made efforts to put forward some suggestion what style we should adopt in different work situation within a team in Waka International to meet the challenges on different stages. Management is been described as the process of setting objectives and making most efficient use of financial, human and physical resources to achieve these objectives, in which main task include planning, organizing, controlling and coordinating. The resources may include the organizational assets which may be people, machinery, raw materials, information, skills and financial capital to measure the organizational performance i.e. how efficiently and effectively management use these resources to satisfy customers and to briefly explore or examine management and in this report will be looking on the management theories of two recent writers. First researcher tried to sketch the attempt of Peter Drucker for his work to describe and comment upon what managers do and he identifies three tasks: Satisfying the goals or mission of the organization. Enabling the worker to achieve and focus on productivity. Managing social responsibilities. He suggested in simplified manner that managers are required to set objectives; organize; motivate and communicate; measure and develop people. Secondly to mention the influential work on management of Henry Mintzberg in which he details his observations of what managers actually did. He examine that managers were not found to spend most of their time planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding and controlling and suggested ten roles managers often attempt logically in the pursuit of their objectives and divided these roles in three stages as building relationship with the employees, yielding the quality information and finally the allocation of decision making, objective and resources to the employees. On the other hand leadership can be suggested as, the part of management to drive the organization to achieve its goals by utilizing potential influence with group efforts. Leadership in the organizational role involves establishing and sharing a vision, providing information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision so others can follow willingly. If we link management and leadership we can say that leadership is an essential part of effective management, which emphasis upon the building an environment in which everyone has the opportunity to develop and excel skills. This link between management and leadership shows that managers must have traits of a leader. While learning about leadership researcher describes two types of leadership which are Direct Leadership & Indirect Leadership. Direct leadership is something about imposing orders to your followers and maybe enforcing them to accept you as a leader, where followers used to see the leader regularly face-to-face. Or it can be said that the leaders who are able to get to know those they are working with and influence them on an interpersonal basis are direct leaders. While those having thousands of followers without possessing the role of leadership is the indirect leadership. It may also be believed that the indirect leadership has to do with influencing others and making them your followers indirectly by inspiring the followers through your character, charisma etc. Leadership is not about ruling people like subjects and taking it for granted; it’s about presenting yourself as someone who people think should be followed for guidance. It’s about winning the minds and hearts of people. If we like to differentiate between management and leadership we can come up with the idea that Managers perform roles in organizations and hold a specific, formal title and fulfill a role well Leaders aim to influence and guide others into pursuing particular objectives or ideas of the future and to motivate them into wanting to follow. In Waka International the management has the best quality leadership hence the reason, management asked their junior staff for such an important part to look on it, since the organization is willing to move up and each management is leading its team in a good way, with a good pace as well, in a better management and leadership style. Leadership style is the way in which the functions of leadership are carries out, the way in which the manager typically behaves towards members of the group. Different leaders have different behavior which might produce different effects, so researchers began studies on successful leaders and began to develop different styles of leadership. Also how to become a good leader one should be aware of his leadership style. There are many theories on leadership styles; these are summarized into three dimensional theories which describe different leadership styles: The concept in this style is of leader and followers, where leaders have got all the high power, authority and control; they make the decisions in a one way communication and direct their followers with minimal participation of followers. All the planning and thinking is done by the leader and the team’s role is to follow the orders and motivation to the followers only comes from the leader’s status, charisma, expertise and power to reward and punish. An example of authoritarian styles is John F. Kennedy and one of the many things that John F. Kennedy is remembered for is his vision concerning the United States’ space program. On September 12, 1962, while speaking at Rice University, President Kennedy said: â€Å"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He then went on to talk about â€Å"metal alloys that had not yet been invented† that are â€Å"capable of standing heat and stresses several times more than have ever been experienced.† He had a vision of sending a man to the moon and back safely. He even explained how it was going to be accomplished. John F. Kennedy was exhibiting an authoritative leadership style that mobilized the resources of an entire nation towards this single goal. When we are talking about democratic leadership, it does not refer to a leader who holds political office or background, such as senator or parliamentarian. It talks about a leadership style that exhibits democratic characteristics. This idea of leadership involves running a business on the basis on the majority of decisions i.e. leader encourage the involvement of employees to take part in decision. Many of the great organizational leaders did use this style, Bill Gates is well known for his democratic management style at Microsoft. He actively involved employees in key management and strategic decisions. He was always interacted with the employees of Microsoft and customer and devoted his time for them by staying in contact via e-mail. In the democratic leadership style, we see a balance in the decision-making process. Employees or followers are allowed to participate in the decisions – their opinion counts just as much as the leader’s. Now this might sound like the optimal way to lead but every ways got some pros and cons in it. In this type of leadership managers observes that employees are working well on their own and consciously make a decision to pass to the member to allow them freedom of action and not to interfere and is always available to help in need. The leader may also set some example but nobody has to follow it if they want to. They leader don’t try to motivate their subordinate or it can be said that motivation only comes from the fact that the individuals are free to do what they likes and no one has to waste time explaining their actions. This leadership style may work with individual people like academics and artists who need to be free on work in their own way, and don’t like teamwork, they would like to like what they want, and not ask for guidance or permission. Researchers suggested that a specific leadership style cannot be constraint to a particular situation rather any styles can be adopted at any situations. Researchers also suggested that the autocratic style may be suitable when large numbers of un-skilled employees are involved and when quick decisions are a matter of life and death and have to be made quickly. Motivation is just a name which comes out from the personality of the leader that is the reason followers struggle to please or satisfy the leaders. So this style may be adopted when there is a need of urgency in Waka International and when a particular objective is achieved a different style can be implemented, and this is what management is all about, â€Å"the change†. Since in the democratic style, employees or followers have an equal say in the decision-making process, they are more dedicated to the desired outcome. The collaborative environment created by this style often results in more comprehensive solutions to problems. If Waka International is looking for better and long term result democratic style would be a better choice as most of the renowned company focus on the democratic style so it would be valuable for long term objectives and goals. Laissez-faire type of leader may inspire or motivate people or plan ideas but do not make any efforts to ensure that the team follows it. This kind of leadership can only work with academics or artists, who don’t like team work and emphasis to work freely. So many researchers don’t suggest adopting this style of leadership and it will not be driving the organization to its objective quickly. But this style is has good result if professional and experienced followers are in the workplace. From the report it can be concluded that management and leadership are two different aspects, but on a broad vision if leadership has not become the part of the management, this may lead to disastrous result. Coping up the resources and not leading in a good direction without an effective leadership may show short-term good result but it would not demonstrate a good impact on the organizational objective or goals and without the right leadership, organizational strategies will remain as ink on paper. Getting the right leadership to implement business strategies takes careful planning and dedicated effort, and often substantial investment. Like the sports coach whose mediocre team never wins a championship, the CEO can’t hope to achieve bold new strategies without giving thought to his leadership team and leadership culture. Too many organizations have become unworried with their existing leadership programs, instead of making certain that they are linking their leadership strategies and development investments with their business strategies and taking full advantage of the learning opportunities that accompany strategic change. With learning and research it can also be concluded that the planning methods are useful in meeting the challenges of any situation and developing leadership skills. Leadership traits can be learnt and developed to meet the strategic needs. This report has the relevance for handling complex situation of the present competitive business world by utilizing leadership skills in making strategic decisions to achieve the stipulated goal. The different styles mentioned earlier can be used depending upon the organizational needs and objectives, to achieve the goals.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Community Health Advocacy Essay

The levels of prevention in epidemiology help provide a framework for health professionals to intervene and prevent disease, injury, or disability. What is epidemiology? The World Health Organization (2014) states â€Å"epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events and the application of the study to the control of disease and other health problems† (para. 1). The National Asthma Education and Prevention Guidelines data showed that exacerbations of acute asthma episodes have gotten more severe over the years (Dougherty & Fahy, 2009). In 2010, one out of eleven children was diagnosed with asthma (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). Children are presenting with a combination of symptoms that show an increase in severity with expiratory airflow and decreased lung function testing (Dougherty & Fahy, 2009). When children present with shortness, wheezing, chest tightness or cough in school, the student has to report to the school nurse for their asthma protocol treatment ordered by a physician. If symptoms are not easily controlled, the child may have to be treated in and outpatient setting. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), children missed a total of ten million days of school and cost the United States fifty-six billion dollars a year for treatment. In 2009, the yearly average cost was $1,039 per child with asthma. The Healthy People 2020 made pediatric asthma an initiative due to the increasing prevalence and cost in the United States. Epidemiology Framework The epidemiology framework consists of three levels of prevention; primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary prevention strive to reduce the occurrence rate of new cases in disease. Primary prevention approach to promoting a healthier lifestyle is to emphasize on educating individuals on risk factors  and protective strategies. A primary prevention strategy for asthma patient is educating on avoiding cigarette smoke, insect allergens, molds and pet dander (Agency for Toxic Substance & Disease Registry, 2010). Secondary prevention concentrates on early recognition and fast treatment of the disease. This level of prevention focuses on slowing down the progression of the disease process and decreasing the impact of the disease process on an individual or community. There are a number interventions that one can do to reduce the exposure to allergens, pollutants, or irritants that may trigger an asthma episode. Schools and homes may use a free standing air purifier for rooms, purchase a vacuum with an HEPA filter or us an HEPA filter in the air duct system. These systems help to eliminate animal dander, smoke, air pollution, molds, dust mites, and animal allergens. Several schools have introduces reading dogs in the elementary schools to reduce the fear of reading. Depending on the severity of the allergy, the student many not be able to be in the classroom. Families can select a pet that has low dander levels. It is difficult to get out dander and dust particles out of the carpet, hardwood floor may need to replace the carpet. Tobacco smoking affects approximately forty-two percent of children between the age ages of two months to eleven years of age (Agency for toxic substances & Disease Registry, 2010). Educated tobacco smokers the effects that tobacco smoke can have on the respiratory system in people of all ages. Tertiary Prevention strategies is implemented to stabilize and restoring functionality from damage that has resulted from a chronic disease. Education on medication compliance for pediatric patients and families is key for this level of prevention. Ecosystem Model The ecosystem of children’s health is a complex model that has the child and family at the center of the core (Friedman, 2010). Circling the center core are individuals and organizations that interrelate closely with the child and family such as schools, faith community, doctors, community services, and environment (Friedman, 2010). The further circle in the model are health insurance agencies, businesses, philanthropy, and research (Friedman, 2010). The model identifies several areas that impacts childhood asthma. First looking at the genetics of the child and then assessing the social, natural, and built environments that influence acute asthma attacks for the  child. These are all areas that need to be closely examines to figure out why children are having amplified severity during an acute asthma attacks. Frequency and duration of asthma attacks affect children’s social and academic life. Reference Asthma. (2014). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from Daugherty, R. & Fahy, J. (2009). Acute exacerbations of asthma: epidemiology, biology and the exacerbation-prone phenotype. Clinic & Experimental Allergy, 39(2), 193-202. Environmental triggers of asthma treatment, management and prevention. (2010). Agency for toxic substances & Disease Registry. Retrieved from Epidemiology. (2014). World Health Organization. Retrieved from Friedman, R. (2010). How do we bring it all together? Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 73(2). Retrieved from HAPS-Asthma-WhitePaper.pdf

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Adrenaline Air Sports

The greatest percentage of first time customers Is college students, Just Like he town of Blackburn, with a population of 40,000 people plus about 25,000 enrolled college students. Greensboro, North Carolina Is about 80 miles South of Janesville and most of the students don't return for a second dive because of the cost. Only 3 percent of the skydivers return to stay In the sport. Since first time divers have the highest margin, ;RSI important to get these divers to stay In the sport.There are two main competitors for AS in the same area about 120 miles Northeast of Janesville that must compete for the population in Ranked. These two companies are more advantaged because they offer more availability, larger and aster planes, and charger more in fees. They are both open year round on the weekends and are open at least 4 days during the high season. AS only has two competitors to beat, which is a plus, considering their strengths. But the scenery that AS has to offer is more beautiful than the scenery of the other two companies.Internal factors that affect AS is employee schedules. Most of the employees for AS are part-time workers, including the owner, Bill Cockerel. Bill and is employees are only available to work the weekends they are scheduled to work during the open season. Bill works another Job and the earliest he can be at AS is at pm on Fridays. There is only one cameraman, which means only one person, per film, per flight. Videos are given only on Sundays, and with new student reservations on Mondays, those videos arena received until the following Sunday.There are currently two Cessna 182 planes, which take longer to reach higher altitudes. The maximum height for AS is 10,000 feet. The Cessna planes hold up to four parachutists at one time. During the high season, this becomes a problem because AS only has four parachutes in its possession; two tandems and two accelerate free-fall parachutes. By analyzing this case, I found It necessary for AS to do tw o things. First they can keep the Cessna planes they already have and extend their work days to Fridays and Mondays to make more available times to customers.Since this Is a second Job for most of the employees, Including the owner, more employees will be needed or longer shift hours for the employees that are already there. A new, larger plane wouldn't be necessary In this action because there will be more time available to work the flights. The second option for AS would be to purchase a larger plan that revives a faster turnaround time, reach higher altitudes, and hold more passengers. In doing this, AS will need to be a full-time company, with extended weekends In the high season.The profit margin and hourly rates will increase if this is implemented. IT one AT ten Cessna are solo , ten money can De uses to lighten ten cost AT ten new plane. AS will need to raise their prices and do heavy advertisement to fill passenger slots on the planes. Although the first option allows the c ompany to grow at a slower pace, I think the second option is sounder for the company. AS should become full-time and add mom of the serious skydivers as employees.With more employees and an extended weekend, an increase for fees is necessary. The demand for skydiving with the company is at good standing. AS needs to make it available to accommodate those potential customers. Adding at least one more camera would be a great step because the video helps with advertising the company's services. Finding more first time jumpers and creating a program which allows them to return is the key to generating the income that is needed. Once they've Jumped two or three times, the chances of them returning are high.